The whole party should take the overall interest into account and push the economy forward 全党讲大局,把国民经济搞上去
Are you or any person having any interest in this account, a member of any commodity exchange or Fyes fno affiliated with any other securities, FX or commodity brokerage firm? 您或其它对该帐户有任何利益的人,是否为任何商品交易所的会员,或与任何其它证券、外汇、是否或商品交易经纪公司有关联?
Usance draft to be negotiated at sight basis, interest is for Buyers account. 远期汇票按即期议付,利息由买方承担。
Will I earn interest on my checking account? 我在支票账户上的钱有利息吗?
Do you pay interest on this account? 这类储蓄你们付息吗?
It wouldn't help nearly as much as many people imagine, because interest payments only account for part of Greece's budget deficit. 这种办法几乎起不到许多人想象那样的作用,原因是利息支付仅占希腊预算赤字的一部分。
In short, everybody should take the overall interest into account. 总之,大家都要从大局着眼。
Ou pay interest on this account? 这种存款付给利息吗?
It would have generated more interest than your savings account will. 那会比你存钱得到的利息多。
It's not usual to be paid interest on your current account. 给活期存款户支付利息并非惯常的做法。
That means you can earn interest from such an account, such as the above-mentioned savings account. 有息帐户就是说您开立的帐户可以使您获得利息,比如我们前面所说的几种储蓄帐户。
What's the interest rate for deposit account? 定期帐户的利率是多少呢?
Clerk: We mean that we compute interest on your account balance every day and credit it to your account on a quarterly basis. 职员:我们的意思是说,我们每日计算您的帐户余额应得利息,并且每个季度把应得利息计入您的帐户的贷方。
The grottoes at this point, although less magnificent than the Theban sepulchers, are of higher interest, on account of affording more numerous illustrations of the private life of the Egyptians. 虽然这个地区的墓穴没有底比斯石墓那样宏大,但是由于它保有大量绘着古埃及人个人生活的壁画,人们对这个墓穴更感兴趣。
What's the interest of the checking account pays? 支票账户和利息是多少?
Fourth, we must take the long-term interest into account and solve the problem of the succession in leadership. the day receptionist will be relieved at 21. 00 when the night shift come on. 四是从长远着想,解决好交接班的问题。白班接待员在晚上9点由夜班接待员换班。
Fourth, we must take the long-term interest into account and solve the problem of the succession in leadership. 四是从长远着想,解决好交接班的问题。
S: Do I earn interest on the account? 萨姆森:我能从帐户上得到利息吗?
The Lees have invested some money in a high interest savings account. 李家在一个优利存款帐户投资了一些钱。
Besides the checking account, we have a monthly savings account and a daily interest account. 除了支票帐户以外,我们还有按月计息和按日计息的户头。
By the way, what's the interest a savings account pays? 顺便问一下,储蓄户口有多少利息呢?
The whole Party must now give serious thought to our country's overall interest. THE WHOLE PARTY SHOULD TAKE THE OVERALL INTEREST INTO ACCOUNT AND PUSH THE ECONOMY FORWARD 现在有一个大局,全党要多讲。全党讲大局,把国民经济搞上去
The accumulative effect only works if you maintain the balance and earned interest in the account. 您只有保留帐户中的金额和赢得的利息,累计帐户的效果才能体现出来。
What's the interest rate for the savings account, and do you pay interest on this account? 储蓄存款的利率是多少,这种存款付给利息吗?
The Interest on this account will be pay at redemption 这种帐户的利息在清偿时支付
Therefore, the government ought to take producers 'interest into account when making grain price policy, and to deal with the relationships between public interest and government's self interest. At the same time, farmers are expected to enhance their abilities to produce political pressure. 本文提出的建议是,粮食价格政策要保护农业生产者的利益,同时要增强农民表达利益的能力,政府在制定粮食价格政策的时候要处理好公共利益和自身利益的关系。
With both domestic and international situation of that time and the holistic interest taken into account, the advantages of signing the Sino-France New Convention is over its disadvantages, though there exist many items unfavorable to the Qing government. 《中法新约》中虽然有不利于清政府的内容,但就当时的国内国际环境和整体利益来看,条约的签订是利大于弊的。
In the article, the author suggests that we should cancel the financial expenses account, and adopt interest expense and interest income account according to international conventions, then put the rest transactions accounted by financial expenses account in other appropriate accounts. 为此,作者建议取消财务费用科目,单独设置利息收入和利息费用科目,并对目前纳入财务费用核算的其它项目进行清理。
Taking the influence of users browsing behavior and page features on the users browse interest into account, the paper firstly introduced user browsing interest as clustering parameter, and built a Logistic forecasting model of user browsing interested, grounded on the results of factor analysis. 首先引入用户浏览兴趣作为聚类的参量,综合考虑用户浏览行为和页面特征对用户浏览兴趣的影响,并根据因子分析的结果构建了用户浏览兴趣的Logistic预测模型。
Among the over-the-counter financial derivatives, interest rate derivatives account for the largest portion, which proves the importance of the interest rate swaps. 在场外金融衍生品中,利率衍生品所占的份额最大,而利率互换在利率衍生品中的份额占有将近一半的比重,可见利率互换的重要性。